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Question: Which days are shortest or longest due to daylight savings time?
(C) 2015-10-26, Magnus Bodin <magnus@bodin.org>

Not at all an eyebrowse raiser; the rule (for EUrope) to start the daylight
savings time (summer time) the last weekend of March and end it in the last
weekend of October,  makes the last week of March one hour  shorter and the
last week of October one hour longer.

Due to the  calendar  cycle,  this  makes  the  distribution  of  shortness
and  longness  among  these  last dates  of March  and  October  a tiny bit

The distribution is shown relative to the gregorian epoch (400 years) which
is the  cycle that our calendar  revolves with.  After 400 years everything
repeats again. (See also yeartypes)

Shortest days of the years, March
| 25 | 58 times | 14.5% |
| 26 | 56 times | 14.0% |
| 27 | 58 times | 14.5% |
| 28 | 56 times | 14.0% |
| 29 | 58 times | 14.5% |
| 30 | 57 times | 14.2% |
| 31 | 57 times | 14.2% |

Longest days of the years, October
| 25 | 58 times | 14.5% |
| 26 | 57 times | 14.2% |
| 27 | 57 times | 14.2% |
| 28 | 58 times | 14.5% |
| 29 | 56 times | 14.0% |
| 30 | 58 times | 14.5% |
| 31 | 56 times | 14.0% |

[x42.com] [datelab]