100,000,000,000,000 poems

At five precisely out went La Marquise
For tea cucumber sandwiches a scone
He bent right down and well what did he seize
The thumb- and finger-prints of Al Capone
How it suprised us pale grey underlings
When flame a form to wrath ancestral gave
The learning linguist cameramaniac sings
Etruscan words which Greece and Rome engrave
It's no good rich men crying Heaven Bless
With quill white-collared through his life will jog
While homeward thirsts to each quenched glass say yes
Bard I adore your endless monologue
Though bretzels take the dols from board-room drum
Fried grilled black pudding's still the world's best yum

Raymond Queneau

Translation to English by Stanley Chapman
found in "Oulipo Compendium"
Atlas 1998, ISBN 0-947757-96-1

Idea and implementation by Magnus Bodin 1997
Produced in the wonderful country of Sweden.