100,000,000,000,000 poems

The wild horse champs the Parthenon's top frieze
For tea cucumber sandwiches a scone
Replies like this the dumbstruck brain may tease
Which neither time nor tide can long postpone
It's one of many horrid happenings
Signalling gauchos very rarely shave
The learning linguist cameramaniac sings
As sleeping-bags the silent landscape pave
Poetic licence needs no strain or stress
In indian summers Englishmen drink grog
The colonel's still escutcheoned in undress
No need to cart such treasures from the fog
Though bretzels take the dols from board-room drum
A wise loaf always knows its humblest crumb

Raymond Queneau

Translation to English by Stanley Chapman
found in "Oulipo Compendium"
Atlas 1998, ISBN 0-947757-96-1

Idea and implementation by Magnus Bodin 1997
Produced in the wonderful country of Sweden.