If you are using Netscape(*) you will probably see the happy cow above. Internet Explorer-users on Windows and Mac, however, will see a dead flat elephant. And this is due to a strange browser-feature.
NB! We don't use any CGI, SSI, shtml, Java, server sided detection
of the browsers or any silly client scripting such as Javascript or VBscript. |
Fun isn't it?
(*) or MSIE for Solaris
Since this was made long time ago, there are other browsers now and I
haven't really kept up to date with all updates, but Opera behaves
differently. Mozilla actually behaves differently on different platforms (OSX=Cow, Win32=Elephant). Konqueror/KHTML may behave
differently. Nokia N95 shows the cow! The iPhone renders a different way so it mixes the pictures.Several other browsers also shows a mix nowadays. If you want to send in a screenshot of your browser and how
page look likes, please do so. magnus (at)
bodin <dot> org
Wisecraked in /netch/ silly departments back in 1997. © Copyright and all rights reserved.
Implementation: Magnus Bodin and Daniel Larsson