100,000,000,000,000 poems

When one with t'other straightaway agrees
When masons clutch the breath we held on loan
The understanding critic firstly sees
'Ere meanings new to ancient tribes are thrown
The roundabout eats profits made on swings
Whose ocean still-born herrings madly brave
He's gone to London how the echo rings
That every verbal shock aims to deprave
The wolf devours both sheep and shepherdess
A piercint wit would sprightliest horses flog
Socrates watched his hemlock effervesce
One misses cricket hearth and croaking frog
Though bretzels take the dols from board-room drum
Soliloquies predict great things old chum

Raymond Queneau

Translation to English by Stanley Chapman
found in "Oulipo Compendium"
Atlas 1998, ISBN 0-947757-96-1

Idea and implementation by Magnus Bodin 1997
Produced in the wonderful country of Sweden.